The FANTAVAULTING is the game created by The Vaulting Review dedicated to all the lovers of equestrian vaulting, who want to feel part of the Senior World Championships 2024 in a new and engaging way. A game completely free and suitable for everyone to test your knowledge of international vaulting. A game of strategy, with a bit of luck.
Imagine yourself as the chef d’equipe of a team created by you, which MUST be composed by a squad, a pas de deux, three individual female and two individual male chosen from the official participants of the 2024 Senior World Championships. After each day, each element of your team will gain a score based on its ranking position. All scores will be added up, and also some other award points and/or penalties may be added too. At the end of the championship, the chef d’equipe whose team will have gained the highest combined score, will win and will receive a prize from The Vaulting Review.
To all participants in the World Senior Championship, whether individual, pas de deux or teams, has been given a value in “horseshoes” (HS), established by the editorial staff based on the results obtained particularly during the current season.
Every chef d’equipe has 15 horseshoes available to “buy” the elements of their team that MUST consist of a squad, a pas de deux and five individuals (three girls and two boys). Team members do not necessarily have to come from the same country (you can for example choose the Spanish team, the Austrian pas de deux and individuals of any other nationality); the five individuals must be three female and two male. If the total horseshoes spent is above 15 and/or the team composed do not abide by the rules given (1 team + 1 pas de deux + 3 female +2 male individual) the team will be disqualified.
List of participants and their value in HS
Exemples of possible teams:
Once your team is ready, in order to play with us you have to:
- Follow The Vaulting Review on Instagram/Facebook
- Comment the post with your team’s name
- Complete the template with your team members and post it on a story TAGGING THE VAULTING REVIEW, by July 16th, 2024.
Do not forget the tag, otherwise we will not be able to register you among the participants in the game.
At the end of each day, whether being compulsory, technical, first freestyle or second freestyle, if any (Nations Cup is not considered), the following scores are awarded, for each category, according to the ranking:
Further points will be awarded, at the end of the competitions, if elements of the team will end up on the podium.
In addition, more points (bonuses) or penalties (malus) may be given according to the following criteria:
BE AWARE! The maluses count as double for the vaulters/squads/pdd with the highest horseshoes value (5 HS)
The Vaulting Review will publish the official (and unquestionable) scores given to each vaulter/squad/pas de deux before the start of the following competition day. From their sum will result in the final ranking of the game. The winner will be announced after the conclusion of all the scheduled competitions and will be notified via social media. In case of a tie, the winner will be chosen by extraction.
The winner will receive from The Vaulting Review a cup (mug) personalized with a photograph of his choice among those of the 2024 Senior Championships published by the magazine on the website or Instagram/Facebook.