If there is a news in the global vaulting world, is the large number of international competitions that have been held both in Europe and in America. Several countries, including Italy, organized two CVIs. CVI of Villasanta-Monza (MB) was born this year for the first time, held between June 1st and 4th at the Club Ippico Monzese. The feedback was very positive, so much so that the organizing committee has already announced a second edition. The strong point of the event is definitely the location: the geographical position of this equestrian center is strategic – on the main routes to many European states and therefore easily reachable – has certainly facilitated the participation in the competition of French athletes – who rarely come to Italy -, Swiss and Germans. The Austrians did not take part to the event, but we could see many South American vaulters, especially from Argentina. The competition was therefore varied and interesting.

The organization managed to manage well athletes and public, but if next year the participants will be even more numerous as we hope, there may be problems to accommodate everyone: in fact, the seated are for the audience is rather small, as well as the indoor warm up area.

Beyond the predictably higher number of Italian competitors, our vaulters have objectively distinguished themselves in all categories.

Matilde Resente, who stood out in the previous Italian CVI of S. Giovanni in Marignano (RI), competed in the Children 1*class, instead of 2*, to allow her horse Robert Redford to settle before facing the great test of the first international competition with the team. The coach Nelson Vidoni, in his great experience, had definitely seen right, given that during Matilde’s compulsory test – before ASED La Fenice got into the field for their first test – Robert Redford gave many problems. Matilde showed her talent once again with her behavior and reaction to Redford’s intemperance. Fourth after the compulsory, she regained places with the free, thanks not only to her extraordinary performance, but also to that of Redford’s, who redeemed himself from the “bad performance” of the previous day. Good performance for the second and third places respectively being Giulia Scattolin (ITA, M. Varago, Chelsea) and Lisa Reichsigl (GER, A. Zebrak, For Ever 60).

The Junior 1* was fought to the hundredth of points. The top four positions are only 3 cents apart. Romina Trauffe (SUI, C. Tibolet, Black Beauty IV) won the class, followed close by by three Italians: Vittoria Burroni (S. Lucchesi, Giovanni 164), Alessia Giorgia Bovati (K. Moneuse, Filon) – who ended with the same score as Vittoria – and Aurora Bellinato (A. Cavallaro, Monaco Franze 4).

The Senior 1* class was won by Michelle Buzzi (ITA, S. Lucchesi, Adonis), followed by Ilaria Magnani (ITA, K. Moneuse, Star Walker) and Margherita Sonego (ITA, M. Varago, Chelsea). These class competitors were really close with their final scores as well.

As usual, Male classes had less competitors. Lorenzo Pignata (ITA, E. Righetto, Tempesta) won children 1* class, followed by Valerio Mizzoni (ITA, M. Benvenuti, Black), while  in Junior class, the gold medal went to Eliott Perrin (FRA, L. Lafont, Godion des Bruyeres), the silver to Tiziano Francia  (ARG, L. Carnabuci, Fran Dalme C Z), and last but not least, in thrd position we find Tomas Valentino Arias (ARG, M. Callegari, Nova).

Also in 2* there were pleasant news and comforting confirmations. Maria Vittoria Vanin (ITA, A. Coppiello, Tempesta) debuted and won the Children category. Maria Vittoria was in the lead since the compulsory, but the freetest was her real winning weapon, definitely superior to those of her opponents. Behind her on the second step of the podium another Italian, Noemi Nelly Przybytek (N. Vidoni, Monaco Franze 4), while Germany’s Lisa Reichsigl (A. Zebrak, For Ever 60) ended up third.

The Junior Female 2* class, always the one in which the competition is most heated, saw the head to head between the Swiss Leonie Linsbichler (S. Aebi, Donatus vd Ulfenburg) and Italy’s Giorgia Varisco (L.Carnnabuci, Rosenstolz 99). The Swiss imposed herself, regaining the slight disadvantage accumulated in the first round thanks to an excellent freestyle.

Romain Simonet (SUI, M. Degiorgi, Calaro AVCH) won the Junior Male class, followed by Ettore Arena (ITA, K. Moneuse, Filon) and Tommaso Comi (ITA, N. Vidoni, Robert Redford 5).

Key role to proclaim the winner in the Senior 2* female class was played by the second freestyle, after which the ranking positions changed compared to the first round. Silvia Damasco (ITA, N. Vidoni, Monaco Franze 4) prevailed, followed by Giorgia Ferrari (ITA, S. Lucchesi, Adonis). Third Chiara Tavoso (ITA, N. Vidoni, Moaco Franze 4) who did a few mistakes during her last freestyle.

Tra le Young Vaulter grande conferma di Giada Samiolo (ITA, L. Carnabuci, Rosenstolz 99) le cui performance, in particolare nel free style e nel technical, sono state veramente notevoli. Il punteggio finale ha premiato l’atleta, che si è dimostrata competitiva in termini assoluti. Il secondo gradino del podio è stato occupato dalla compagna di squadra di Giada Sofia Crippa (L.  Carnabuci, Rosenstolz 99), mentre Alicia Bartchi (SUI, P. Taillez, G.B. Cascada Deluxe) ha conquistato la medaglia di bronzo.

In the Junior 2* Squad the team of La Fenice (ITA, N. Vidoni, Robert Redford 5) fought against the experienced Swiss team of Montmirail (M. Degiorgi, Livanto Cha CH), winner of the competition. The swiss performed a more modern freetest in the narrative structure and a little more fluid in the execution. It should be noted, however, that, as Anna Cavallaro (who trains the team together with Nelson Vidoni) told us that the team is completely new, including the horse, so all the members are literally growing together. The composition of the team may not even be the final one; they are still missing a fundamental element such as Ian Stellahaegi, who has just resumed training after an injury.  All the athletes, however, are putting their heart and soul into it, because the desire to represent Italy at the next World Cup is very strong. Despite the difficulties, also due to the fact that all the elements of the team only had experience as individuals so far, which implies a work behind substantially different from that needed to operate a team, they are ready to work hard and tirelessly until the championships (and beyond, it would be said…).

The audience was also able to enjoy the performance of a 3* team, the German squad of Weicht (A. Zebrack, Levin 38), that despite being the only competitor in the class made a great show.

There were few pas de deux in the arena, but the show was still great thanks to the wonderful performance of the duo Greggio/ Zanella (C. Persohn, Orlando Tancredi). The Italian pair proves to be more and more close-knit, determined and competitive, focused on the next European championship, where they will surely be greeted as one of the protagonists of the event.

The individual female 3* were indisputably dominated by the American Kimberly Palmer (L. Carnabuci, Rosenstolz 99)  who had an advantage of 1 point since the first round. The silver medal went to Jana Bartschi from Switzerland (P. Taillez, GB Cascada de Luxe), while Rebecca Greggio, third placed, was betrayed by a not exceptional technical test, but she made up with the freestyle.

Davide Zanella (ITA, C. Petersohn, Orlando Tancredi) and Julian Wilfling (GER, A. Zebrack, Aragorn 102) confronted on the men class. Both performances were spectacular, but this time Davide really surpassed himself. Wilfling was superior in the compulsory, but with technical and freetest Zanella was able to fully unleash all its potential, showing uncommon qualities both in technical and interpretative terms. His technical test, to the theme “Saturday night fever”, literally amazed the audience that gave him a roaring applause. The judges confirmed the more than positive opinion also for his freestyle, and the scores awarded were enough to overcome the German athlete.

Here you can find the complete ranking